A graceful shrub or small tree with slender branches bearing glossy, dark green leaves and beautiful sprays of showy, white to mauve, bell-shaped flowers in spring and early summer.
Mackaya bella is an evergreen shrub or small tree, 2–4 m tall, usually multi-stemmed, with slender branches and smooth, pale brown bark. The leaves are dark green, shiny, simple, oppositely arranged, up to 170 × 40 mm, elliptic, the apex tapering to a drip tip and the base tapering, margins irregularly scalloped or widely toothed. The midrib and veins are raised on the underside of the leaves, and domatia (small, hairy pockets) are usually found in the axils of the veins.
In spring to early summer (Aug. to Dec), it has beautiful, large, mauve to white flowers marked with fine purple-pink lines, in open terminal sprays up to 150 mm long. The flower is tubular, about 50 mm long, made up of 5 lobes, flaring towards the mouth and becoming bell-like.